Forthcoming Events

Times of Worship

Sundays - 12:45-1:30pm. Family teaching & training sessions (Sunday school) 1:35- 3pm- vibrant praise & worship sessions, gospel singing, preaching of the Word and sharing warm fellowship.

- 2-4pm - home Bible study (by appointment)

Wednesdays - 10-midday - Prayer & fasting. 10:30-3:30pm - Pastor & P.A. Office duties. (Pastor accepts appointments during this time, however, in the event of an emergency contact is accepted by the numbers provided in the Contact details.

Fridays - 6-8pm Youth Activities.

Coming up:


October: Woman of Faith Conference - Saturday 23rd. Empowering women & honouring individual ministries. Men are not excluded; they can come to support and encourage the women.

December: Midnight Praise - 10pm-1am. A time of celebration, reviewing and moving forwards in the plan and purpose of the Lord for 2011 as we always need direction for the year ahead.

“Working together to make a difference for single mothers”

Aims to assist single mothers by;
Raising self-esteem
Building confidence
Developing skills
Providing information and support
Prayer clinic
Training and education

We will do this through gaining support from other partnership groups and organisations in order to move the group forward.
We are always recruiting, so volunteers are welcome to make contact.